OutSmart EMR Knowledgebase

Learn to work smarter, faster.

Viewing & Printing Submitted SmartForms

From the moment a SmartForm is assigned to the patient, you can always view or print the SmartForm from the SmartForms page, or from the Patient Workspace.  Generally you will do this after a SmartForm is submitted, but you can also view or print SmartForms that are in progress.

View / Print From SmartForms Page

  1. Go to the SmartForms page using the Main Navigation Menu.
  2. Click on the name of the Smartform you are interested in to view all submitted and in progress questionnaires.

    Click on the name of the SmartForm to view submissions of that questionnaire.

    Click on the name of the SmartForm to view submissions of that questionnaire.

  3. Look through the submissions and find the one you are interested in.
  4. Click on the Preview SmartForm button to open up the SmartForm for viewing.

    Click on View SmartForm to see any questionnaires submitted or in progress.

    Click on View SmartForm to see any questionnaires submitted or in progress.

  5. To print the SmartForm, right-click anywhere on the page, and click on print.


View / Print From Patient Workspace

The Patient Workspace stores all the collected information on a specific patient, including any SmartForms they have submitted or are working on.  There are a few different ways to access the Patient Workspace, but the simplest is to go to your Master Patient List, find the patient, and then click on the  Patient Workspace icon for that patient.

  1. Once you are in the Patient Workspace, look for the tab called SmartForms at the top of the page.  Click on that tab to access this patient’s SmartForms.
  2. Look for the specific SmartForm that you want to view, and click on the  Preview SmartForm button to open up the SmartForm for viewing.
  3. To Print the SmartForm, right-click anywhere on the page, and click on print.
Accessing SmartForm Questionnaires from the Patient / Client Workspace

Accessing SmartForm Questionnaires from the Patient / Client Workspace