OutSmart EMR Knowledgebase

Learn to work smarter, faster.

Release Notes January 16th, 2020


  • Fixed issue causing “Unknown” to appear next to a practitioner’s name when event is moved between practitioners on day view.
  • Fixed issue causing admins to be unable to modify event types scoped to the office.
  • Fixed issue causing inability to change the room on an event by moving the event from one room to another.
  • Fixed issue causing current time marker to appear late / not at all on the calendar.
  • Fixed event pop-up/expanded summary to include missing demographic fields.
  • Added new option for time scale.
  • Added new template for small events.
  • Added ability to create an event on the day view with a different practitioner assigned.

Inter-Office Messaging

  • Improved handling of slow connection speeds to chat service.