OutSmart EMR Knowledgebase

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Adding and Removing Clients / Patients

Adding clients through the Master Patient List


Adding clients through the Calendar


Adding clients by importing a client list


Deleting (un-linking) and re-linking clients from your account

This function can always be reversed, a patient is never completely deleted. They will just not appear in your Master Patient List of active patients, but rather in the section called “Unlinked Patients”, accessible from the Top Toolbar of the Master Patient List.

  1. Go to the Master Patient list in the left-hand Main Navigation Bar
  2. In the Tab “Your Patients” search for the patient you wish to “Unlink”.
  3. In the left-hand column beside the Patient Name, hover over the icon that resembles a broken chain.
    • If you are logged in as a Practitioner, clicking this button will remove the link between you and this patient in all the offices you have access to.  Note that it will not remove the link that this patient might have with other practitioners in any of these offices.
    • If you are logged in as an Admin, clicking this button will remove the link that this patient has with all practitioners at the current office you are logged in to.

Accessing the unlink patient action, and the unlinked patients list.

Accessing the unlink patient action, and the unlinked patients list.

Re-Linking A Patient To Your Patient List Or Your Office’s Patient List

If at anytime you wish to Link the patient back to your list, you simply go to the Unlinked Patients list, accessible from the Top Toolbar of the Master Patient List, and click on the only icon beside the name which resembles a linked chain. Refresh the page and the Patient Name will appear once again in your Master Patient List.

Re-linking a patient to your list.

Re-linking a patient to your list.


If you are logged in as a practitioner, re-linking a patient will connect them back to you as well as the office you are currently logged into.  If you want them to be connected to your other offices as well, you will need to link them to those other offices through your Master Patient List.  You can do this by finding the patient in your Master Patient List, and then clicking on the Office Link  icon in the left column, and then clicking on each office that you want to connect them to.

Linking a patient to other offices you are a part of.

Linking a patient to other offices you are a part of.


If you are an Admin, then re-linking a patient will connect them to the office you are currently logged in to, but it will NOT connect them to any practitioners yet.  After re-linking the patient, you will need to go to the Master Patient List and connect the patient back to each practitioner that needs access to this patient.

How to link a patient with multiple practitioners in the office.

How to link a patient with multiple practitioners in the office.