OutSmart EMR Knowledgebase

Learn to work smarter, faster.

Release Notes October 15th 2019


  • Deleted recipes will no longer show up in Product lists, IV lists, or Injection lists in the SOAP charts.
  • A print issue that occurred when attempting to print 4 or more prescriptions on one page has been corrected.
  • Fixed SOAP chart list display issues in the Patient Workspace, in the rare case when a SOAP chart was created without any office association.
  • Added buttons to “Remove All Freeform Sections” and “Remove All Sections” to the SOAP charting toolbar.  This will help to quickly get rid of sections you do not need in your charts, instead of manually removing them one by one.
  • Added preference to allow practitioners to choose which sections they want loading into their charts by default.  Practitioners no longer need to always have the SOAP freeform sections load every time.
  • Added the ability for practitioners to choose a starting template when creating a chart from the main Smart Charts page.  Now you can have your charts pre-loaded with the templates you need on a visit by visit basis.
  • Added a new preference to allow practitioners to associate one of their Smart Templates with one of their Event Types.  This will allow charts to auto-load a starting template based on the type of appointment your patient has.

Express Checkout

  • A new option has been added to the Express Checkout to allow you to automatically add the total volume of a blend as the quantity in an invoice, so that you can have better inventory management of blends.
  • Express checkout will now take the most up to date patient info from the Patient Workspace when creating invoices.

Header Search and Patient Lists

  • Updated search features to allow searching by patient phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
  • Added patient phone numbers to initial data displayed by the App Header search results.
  • Added a shortcut button to create a new SOAP chart to all App Header search results involving a patient.
  • Added patient gender to the App Header patient search results as well as the Patient Workspace.


  • Fixed issue preventing the ability to delete recipes from your dispensary’s product list.
  • Fixed issue causing creation of products to produce duplicates.