In This Article:
The Daily Schedule Dashboard Card allows you to see your current day’s schedule in a convenient, compact format. This dashboard card is the one that practitioners used the most often as it is an ideal launching pad for getting to the Patient Workspace, and for creating new SOAP charts, for the current day’s scheduled clients.
The Daily Schedule Dashboard Card
From the Daily Schedule Dashboard Card, you can perform the following actions:
All of these functions are available by clicking the menu button to the right of the line for the appointment you are interested in.
Accessing the actions menu on the Daily Schedule Dashboard Card
The Daily Schedule printout is intended to give practitioners an easy to follow printed schedule for the day. When logged in as a practitioner, you will have the option to print your own schedule, and set your own preferences.
When logged in as an Admin user, you will be able to print schedules for all practitioners at the clinic.
To access the Daily Schedule printout, click on the “print” icon at the top right of the Daily Schedule Dashboard card. You can read more about the Daily Schedule printout here.
Clicking on the client’s name in this card will take you directly to the Client Workspace, where you can catch up on this client’s past appointments and medical history. You can also click on the ‘Go To Workspace’ option in the actions menu.
Creating a new SOAP chart using the actions menu of this Daily Schedule card has some benefits. Firstly, it’s the most natural way to initiate the creation of a chart. You look at your schedule, see your next patient, and create a chart.
But there is another benefit. If you create your client’s SOAP chart from the Daily Schedule card, then you will save the step of having to select the ‘type of chart’ you are creating. Since the Daily Schedule already knows what kind of appointment the client is booked in for, then it does not need to ask you to specify that again when creating a chart. Instead, it takes you right into the chart, pre-selecting the chart type based on the visit type.
When you click on ‘check-in’, you are simply updating the event’s status and setting it to ‘Attended’. Check-out, on the other hand, updates the status of the event to ‘Completed’. At the moment, these two options only update the status of the appointment, and nothing else. In the future, the check-in and check-out buttons will automate more tasks. Keep an eye on the OutSmart newsletter to learn more.