Schedule Reports

Patient Appointment Report

This report can be used to generate a filtered list of appointments from the calendar. Using the “group by” filters can also generate totals and subtotals for groupings of various appointment types.

Patient appointment report filters and columns

Here are all the possible filters for the Patient Appointment Report, and how they work:

  • Start Date: This is the start date of the time range within which you want to search for appointments. Leaving this blank will search from the earliest date of an appointment in your calendar.
  • End Date: This is the end date of the time range within which you want to search for appointments. Leaving this blank will search for appointments until the current day.
  • Appointment Name: This is the name of the event type for the appointment. For example, it could be a “Initial Visit”, or a “IV Therapy Session”, etc. This will allow you to limit your results to a specific event type.
  • Event Status: This filter allows you to limit your results only to specific event statuses, like “cancelled”, od “no shows”.
  • Patient: Selecting a patient here will limit the results to appointments with that patient.
  • Event Location (Practitioner account): The location drop down will allow you to limit your results to a specific office.
  • Practitioner (Admin account): The practitioner filter will allow you to limit your results to a specific practitioner at the current clinic.
  • Group By: This powerful filter will allow you to group your results according to various appointment properties. By checking the “Only Show Totals” checkmark, it will sum up the number of appointments based on the grouping filter, and produce a summary report for that group filter setting.
  • Columns and column order: This area will allow you to specify which columns you want to see as part of your report.  You can drag and drop to re-order, or click on the ‘x’ for a column title to remove it.  You can also click in the white space next the to column names to open up a list of many more columns you can add to the report.

The following are some common patient list reports, and corresponding filter settings, to help you get started.

Number of Cancellations (or other statuses)

This report will provide insight into the number of cancellations your clinic sees within a given time frame.

…article in progress, please check back later.